Manhattan University


Manhattan College is a private, free, Roman Catholic, human sciences school situated in the Bronx, New York City, United States. After initially being set up in 1853 by the Brothers of the Christian Schools, Manhattan College was authoritatively consolidated as an organization of advanced education through a contract conceded by the New York State Board of Regents. In 1922, the College moved from Manhattan to the Riverdale area of the Bronx, around 10 miles (16 km) north of Midtown. Manhattan College offers undergrad programs in human expressions, business, instruction, wellbeing, designing, and science. In the 2014-2015 College Return on Investment overview, Manhattan put 15th broadly 

Columbia University

Columbia University is a private Ivy League research college situated in Morningside Heights, in Upper Manhattan, New York City. Columbia is the most established foundation of higher adapting in New York state, the fifth most established in the United States, and one of the nation's nine Colonial Colleges established before the American Revolution. It was established in 1754 as King's College by regal contract of George II of Great Britain. After the American Revolutionary War, King's College quickly turned into a state element, and was renamed Columbia College in 1784. The University now works under a 1787 contract that places the foundation under a private leading body of trustees, and in 1896 it was further renamed Columbia University. 


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