University of Innsbruck (Universitas Leopoldino Franciscea)

The University of Innsbruck is a state funded college in the capital of the Austrian government condition of Tyrol, established in 1669.

It is presently the biggest training office in the Austrian Bundesland of Tirol, the third biggest in Austria behind Vienna University and the University of Graz and as indicated by The Times Higher Education Supplement World Ranking 2010 Austria's driving college. Noteworthy commitments have been made in numerous limbs, above all in the physical science division. Further, with respect to the quantity of Web of Science-recorded distributions, it involves the third rank worldwide in the region of mountain research.

In 1562, a Jesuit punctuation school was created in Innsbruck, today "Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck". It was financed by the salt mines in Hall in Tirol and was established as a college in 1669 by Leopold I with four personnel. In 1782 this was lessened to an insignificant lyceum (just like all different Universities in the Austrian Empire, aside from Prague, Vienna and Lviv), however it was re-created as the University of Innsbruck in 1826 by Emperor Franz I. The college is along these lines named after both of its establishing fathers with the authority title of: "Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck" (Universitas Leopoldino-Franciscea).

In 1991, Lauda Air Flight 004 smashed in Thailand, slaughtering all on board, including 21 individuals from the University of Innsbruck. The travelers included teacher and economist Clemens August Andreae, an alternate educator, six partners, and 13 understudies. Andreae had regularly driven field visits to Hong Kong.

In 2005, duplicates of letters composed by the rulers Frederick II and Conrad IV were found in the college's library. They touched base in Innsbruck in the eighteenth century, having left the charterhouse Allerengelberg in Schnals because of its abolishment

The faculties
The new arrangement of association (having gotten to be compelling on October 1, 2004) introduced the accompanying 15 staffs to supplant the already existing six workforces:
  1. Employees of Architecture,
  2. Employees of Biology,
  3. Employees of Catholic Theology,
  4. Employees of Chemistry and Pharmacology,
  5. Employees of Economics and Statistics,
  6. Employees of Education,
  7. Employees of Technical Sciences (earlier Faculty of Engineering Science and before that Faculty of Civil Engineering),
  8. Employees of Geography and Atmospheric Sciences,
  9. Employees of Humanities 1 (Philosophy and History),
  10. Employees of Humanities 2 (Language and Literature),
  11. Employees of Law,
  12. Employees of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics,
  13. Employees of Psychology and Sports science,
  14. School of Political Sciences and Sociology,
  15. Innsbruck University School of Management.
Starting 1 January 2004, the Faculty of Medicine was separated off from the principle college to turn into a college in its own privilege. This is currently called the Innsbruck Medical University (Medizinische Universität Innsbruck).

On 1 October 2012 a sixteenth employees, the School of Education, has been included

source: Innsbruck university wikipedia

University of Vienna (Universität Wien)


The University of Vienna is a state funded college found in Vienna, Austria. It was established by Duke Rudolph IV in 1365 and is the most seasoned college in the German-talking world. With its long and rich history, the University of Vienna has formed into one of the greatest colleges in Europe, furthermore a standout amongst the most famous, particularly in the Humanities. It is connected with 15 Nobel prize victors and has been the scholarly home of a substantial number of figures both of authentic and scholastic significance

Understudies at the college can choose from 187 degree programs: 55 lone ranger programs, 116 expert projects, 4 confirmation projects and 12 doctoral projects. In the scholastic year 2012/13, the college honored 10,904 first degrees (Bachelors and Diplomas), 1,138 Master's degrees and 585 Doctoral degrees. The University shows various Masters programs in English, specifically:
  1. Quantitative Economics, Management and Finance
  2. Science-Technology-Society
  3. Ecological Sciences
  4. Center European interdisciplinary Master Program in Cognitive Science
  5. European Master in Health and Physical Activity
  6. English Language and Linguistics
  7. Anglophone Literatures and Cultures
  8. East Asian Economy and Society
  9. Financial aspects
  10. Organic science
  11. Environment and Ecosystems
  12. Sub-atomic Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology
By most accounts 6,900 researchers embrace the exploration and showing action of the college. Of these, roughly 1,000 draw in effectively in activities financed by outsiders. The fundamental fields of examination at the college cover a wide range of subjects: Catholic and Protestant Theology, Law, Economic Sciences and Computer Science, Philological-Cultural Studies and Historical-Cultural Studies, Social Sciences and Psychology, Life Sciences and Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Sports Sciences and Teacher Education.

Nobel Prize Laureates
The grand staircase (Feststiege) in the Main Building
There are total 15 Nobel Prize Laureates affiliated to the University as follows:
NameField InYear
Robert BárányPhysiology or Medicine1914
Richard Adolf ZsigmondyChemistry1925
Julius Wagner-JaureggPhysiology or Medicine1927
Hans FischerChemistry1930
Karl LandsteinerPhysiology or Medicine1930
Erwin SchrödingerPhysics1933
Otto LoewiPhysiology or Medicine1936
Victor Francis HessPhysics1936
Richard KuhnChemistry1938
Max PerutzChemistry1962
Karl von FrischPhysiology or Medicine1973
Konrad LorenzPhysiology or Medicine1973
Friedrich HayekEconomics1974
Elias CanettiLiterature1981
Elfriede JelinekLiterature2004
source: Vienna university wikipedia

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