Manhattanville University

Manhattanville College is a private, coeducational human sciences school offering undergrad and graduate degrees, situated in Purchase, New York. Established in 1841 at 412 Houston Street in Manhattan, it was referred to at first as Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart. Manhattanville's main goal is to "instruct understudies to wind up morally and socially mindful pioneers for the worldwide community". The school moved to its current area in Purchase, New York in 1952.

Roughly 1,700 undergrad and 1,000 graduate understudies go to Manhattanville. Manhattanville understudies originate from 76 nations and 48 states. In understanding with the school's Portfolio System, which is the country's most seasoned such framework, undergrad hopefuls must present: a first year appraisal article, a study arrangement delineating all course work numberd toward the degree, a system assessment paper giving both a justification for course decisions and an assessment of the course, and particular illustrations of work in composing and research.

The building and managerial centerpiece of the Manhattanville grounds, Reid Hall (1864) is named after Whitelaw Reid, proprietor of the New York Tribune. On either side of Reid Hall stand scholastic structures on one side and on the other home corridors around a focal quad planned by Frederick Law Olmsted, the creator of Central Park. The Manhattanville group respects the focal quad and structures as speaking to the scholarly vision of the school's dedication to incorporated learning and focused qualities. Other notable structures incorporate Lady Chapel, the President's Cottage known as the Barbara Debs House, the old Stables, and Water Tower.

Graduate programs
Notwithstanding its more than 50 zones of undergrad study, Manhattanville College offers graduate Master's degrees in ten territories of study and an Ed.D. in the School of Education. The School of Graduate and Professional Studies offers Master of Science degrees in Human Resource Management and Organizational Effectiveness, Business Leadership, Marketing Communication Management, International Management, Sport Business Management, and Finance. The school additionally offers quickened BS degrees, and double degree alternatives including a BA/MA in Creative Writing. GPS is additionally home to the Education and Research Center for Managing Risk.

Manhattanville's 36-credit Master of Fine Arts in exploratory writing project is interested in alumni of certify universities and colleges who exhibit a solid potential in composing and discriminating considering. Understudies are admitted to the system essentially on the quality of the composition they submit as a feature of the application process.

source: manhattanville university wikipedia

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