University of Indonesia (UI)

Universitas Indonesia (UI) is a state college in Depok, West Java and Salemba, Jakarta, Indonesia. Universitas Indonesia is the most seasoned tertiary-level instructive establishment in Indonesia (known as the Dutch East Indies when UI was secured).

One of UI's lead projects is the UI GreenMetric World University Ranking to demonstrate the degree to which a college worldwide is "green" and turn into the good example of a practical society.

UI is by and large considered as the most prestigious state funded college in Indonesia, alongside Bandung Institute of Technology and Gadjah Mada University.

Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque
This mosque is on the Depok grounds, encompassed by a common habitat and the UI lake. Its development started on January 28, 1987, and it was utilized surprisingly on September 4, 1987, for Friday petition to God.

Masjid ARH at Salemba
Development of this mosque, found inside the Salemba grounds, was begun in 1966 focused around a UI minister's announcement. ARH mosque's vision is to turn into the focal point of Islam on the grounds, to deliver cutting edge Muslims who have both confidence and experimental thought, equipped for rehearsing religion and tackling religious issues.

Health Center
The polyclinic gives free wellbeing administrations to all UI understudies. Understudies ought to acquire a free card and restorative record before getting medicines. The accessible wellbeing administrations are general wellbeing administration and dental administration (counting orthodonty)

  • Football stadium
  • Shaft vault
  • Physical track
Indoor Facilities/ Gymnasium
  • Badminton court
  • Volley court
Outdoor Facilities
  • Hockey field
  • Tennis court (3 Lines)
  • Bushel court (4 Lines)
  • Volley court (3 Lines)
Wisma Makara
The Wisma ("Makara Lodge") is spotted on Universitas Indonesia's Depok grounds and thought to be amongst the finest convenience in Depok. The hotel is appropriate for open exercises, for example, workshops, trainings, and workshops. Encompassed by regular woodland and blue lakes, the environment is serene.

Student Hall
Salemba Student Hall is one of the offices under the administration of the Students Affairs and Alumni Relationship Deputy. The building is frequently utilized for occasions, for example, workshops, gatherings, and so forth. With a limit of 300 individuals, it can be utilized by UI understudies and faculty, and in addition leased for open utilization.

The library at the Depok grounds was dispatched on May 13, 2011. Built on a 33,000 meter square zone, this library is considered as the biggest library in Asia. Composed by reasonable building idea, the library powers itself with sun oriented vitality. It is without smoke, green, and prudent as far as power, water and paper use. Universitas Indonesia Library has the ability to oblige around 20,000 guests every day and is required to have a gathering of 3 million-5 million books.

Universitas Indonesia has two understudy quarters, one in Depok and one in Wismarini. The main residence is found on the Depok grounds and has 480 men's rooms and 615 ladies' rooms, with each one pleasing one to three persons. The Wismarini dorm is placed at Jl. Otto Iskandar no. 38 Jakarta Timur and has 72 men's rooms and 111 ladies' rooms. The Wismarini quarters is just for understudies who take addresses at the Medicine or Dental personnel and any system held at Salemba grounds.

Grounds bus
Grounds transports are accessible for understudy transportation at the Depok grounds. Local people call them "yellow transports," as the transports are for the most part that color. In 2005, Universitas Indonesia had an aggregate of 20 grounds transports. They serve customary courses in the grounds range from Monday to Friday from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM and Saturday from 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Grounds bike
Since 2007, Universitas Indonesia has offered a bicycle rental office for its understudies. They have to demonstrate their UI understudy card to the rental officer. The bicycle must be utilized on bicycle paths and it must be come back to where it was leased or an alternate bicycle station. Grounds bicycles can be leased until 5:00 PM.


The university consists of 13 faculties providing courses at the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels. Some graduate and postgraduate courses are managed by the separate postgraduate program.

  1. Faculty of Medicine
  2. Faculty of Dentistry
  3. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  4. Faculty of Engineering
  5. Faculty of Law
  6. Faculty of Economics
  7. Faculty of Humanities
  8. Faculty of Psychology
  9. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
  10. Faculty of Computer Science
  11. Faculty of Public Health
  12. Faculty of Nursing
  13. Faculty of Pharmacy
  14. Postgraduate Program
  15. Vocational Program
source: UI wikipedia


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