Lampung University (UNILA)

Lampung University (Indonesian: Universitas Lampung) is a state funded college in Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. It was created on September 23, 1965. Its current minister is Sugeng P. Harianto.

The yearning to create a school in Lampung is the beliefs of Lampung group pioneers since 1960s, which was expected as a spot to instruct the group on advanced education, on the grounds that more youngsters of the best secondary school graduates in Lampung must go to Java or Palembang to have the capacity to proceed with their studies. Then again, the recently shaped region of Lampung additionally extremely smooth school graduates in extensive amounts so as to do improvement exercises around there. Standards of the establishing universities in Lampung is acknowledged by two boards of trustees :
  1. Advisory group Establishment and Expansion of Secondary School which transformed into a Committee Establishment and Expansion of Secondary School and Faculty headed by Ahmad Farhan 
  2. Preparatory Committee for the Establishment of Higher Education Foundation Lampung led by Prof. Sulaksana Hasan Rabbani S.H.In, M.Sc, Ph.D. Two advisory groups combined into the Foundation Trustees College of Lampung. The establishment was structured Faculty of Economics, Law, and Social.


The university has 8 faculties in bachelor degree:
  1. Faculty of Agriculture : Agribusiness; Agroecotechnology; Agriculture Product Technology; Animal Hubandry; Agriculture Engineering; Aquaculture; Forestry
  2. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences : Sociology; Government Science; Public Administration Science; Business Administration Science; Communication Science; International Relations
  3. Faculty of Economics : Economic Development; Management; Accounting
  4. Faculty of Education : Elementary School Teacher Education; Early childhood teacher education; Physical education and Health Sciences; Guidance and counseling; Economic Education; Education History; Pancasila and civic education; Geography Education; Mathematics Education; Chemistry Education; Physics Education; Biology Education; Indonesian Language and Literature Education; English Language Education; Arts, Drama, Dance, and Music Education; French Language Education
  5. Faculty of Law : Law Science
  6. Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences : Chemistry; Biology; Physics; Mathematics; Computer Science
  7. Faculty of Medicine : Medical/doctor Education
  8. Faculty of Engineering : Civil Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Geophysical Engineering; Architectural Engineering; Informatics Engineering; Geodetic Engineering


Education program which has been established since 1999, has 27 courses spread over eight faculties, include:
  1. Environmental Science
  2. Management,
  3. Economic Sciences
  4. Law
  5. Educational Technology
  6. Management Education
  7. Social Science Education
  8. Indonesian Language and Literature Education
  9. Agronomy
  10. Agribusiness
  11. Agro-Industry Technology
  12. Forestry
  13. Natural Resource Management
  14. Civil Engineering
  15. Governance
  16. Administrative Science
  17. Chemistry
  18. Biology
  19. Mathematics
Then in 2014, re-do the addition of graduate study program based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education No. 441 / E.E2 / DT / 2014 dated June 18, 2014 On Assignment Operation Addition Studies Program, include:
  1. Physics
  2. Food Technology
  3. Community Development
  4. Language and Literature Education
  5. Elementary School Teaching
  6. Science Teaching
  7. Agricultural Extension and Communication
  8. Mechanical Engineering

source: unila wikipedia


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