Temple University

Temple University, regularly alluded to as Temple, is an extensive open exploration college in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. The University was established in 1884 by Russell Conwell. Starting 2014, more than 37,000 undergrad, graduate, and expert understudies are enlisted in more than 400 scholarly degree projects offered at seven grounds and locales in Pennsylvania, and global grounds in Rome, Tokyo, Singapore and London. Temple is among the country's biggest suppliers of expert instruction (law, drug, podiatry, drug store, dentistry, and structural planning), setting up the biggest group of expert specialists in Pennsylvania.Temple University's protection project is positioned #4 in the country. The Fox School of Business is positioned 41st broadly, and Temple's James E. Beasley School of Law is positioned among the main 50.

Strayer University

Strayer University is a United States-based private, for-benefit advanced education establishment. The college selects around 40,000 understudies through its internet learning projects, and at 80 grounds situated in 24 U.S. states. The college represents considerable authority in degree programs for working grown-ups and offers undergrad and graduate degrees in subjects, for example, bookkeeping, business organization, criminal equity, training, wellbeing administrations organization, data innovation and open organization. It was established in 1892 as Strayer's Business College and later got to be Strayer College, before being conceded college status in 1998. Strayer University is licensed by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

Faculty And Student
In 2012, a United States Senate board of trustees reported that, starting 2010, 83 percent of Strayer's 2,471 employees were utilized part-time. Strayer's personnel are not needed to do research but rather are urged to concentrate on teaching.

Strayer University's aggregate number of understudies is roughly 40,000. According to the college, 66% of Strayer's understudies are ladies and over half are African American or Hispanic. Since the mid 2000s, Strayer University has had a high extent of minority understudies. The school has had a larger number of ladies understudies than men since the late 1990s. The normal time of understudies at the school is roughly 33, and the lion's share work full-time. Many understudies get monetary help from central government budgetary support projects or instruction aid projects worked by the U.S. Branch of Defense and U.S. Bureau of Veterans Affairs; U.S. government sources represented 84.9% of Strayer's 2010 income. Also, around one-quarter of understudies have educational cost aid from their employers. In 2010 the U.S. Bureau of Education, reported that the reimbursement rate of government understudy advances at Strayer University was 25%. Strayer guaranteed its advance reimbursement rate to be 55%.

Strayer has higher rates of understudy maintenance than other revenue driven schools. Among understudies initially enlisted in 2008-9, by mid-2010 marginally under 33% had withdrawn without finishing their degree programs. Withdrawal rates went from 17.9% for graduate degree understudies to 48.8% for understudies looking for a partner degree. In 2011 the Washington Post asserted that Strayer had a 15% graduation rate, posting it among the most minimal school graduation rates in the Washington, D.C., region. Strayer guaranteed the graduation rate for its full associate of single man's understudies was 33%. In 2013 USA Today recorded Strayer University of Washington D.C. as a "warning" organization for posting an understudy credit default rate that surpassed its graduation rate.

source: strayer university wikipedia

Manhattanville University

Manhattanville College is a private, coeducational human sciences school offering undergrad and graduate degrees, situated in Purchase, New York. Established in 1841 at 412 Houston Street in Manhattan, it was referred to at first as Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart. Manhattanville's main goal is to "instruct understudies to wind up morally and socially mindful pioneers for the worldwide community". The school moved to its current area in Purchase, New York in 1952.

Roughly 1,700 undergrad and 1,000 graduate understudies go to Manhattanville. Manhattanville understudies originate from 76 nations and 48 states. In understanding with the school's Portfolio System, which is the country's most seasoned such framework, undergrad hopefuls must present: a first year appraisal article, a study arrangement delineating all course work numberd toward the degree, a system assessment paper giving both a justification for course decisions and an assessment of the course, and particular illustrations of work in composing and research.

The building and managerial centerpiece of the Manhattanville grounds, Reid Hall (1864) is named after Whitelaw Reid, proprietor of the New York Tribune. On either side of Reid Hall stand scholastic structures on one side and on the other home corridors around a focal quad planned by Frederick Law Olmsted, the creator of Central Park. The Manhattanville group respects the focal quad and structures as speaking to the scholarly vision of the school's dedication to incorporated learning and focused qualities. Other notable structures incorporate Lady Chapel, the President's Cottage known as the Barbara Debs House, the old Stables, and Water Tower.

Graduate programs
Notwithstanding its more than 50 zones of undergrad study, Manhattanville College offers graduate Master's degrees in ten territories of study and an Ed.D. in the School of Education. The School of Graduate and Professional Studies offers Master of Science degrees in Human Resource Management and Organizational Effectiveness, Business Leadership, Marketing Communication Management, International Management, Sport Business Management, and Finance. The school additionally offers quickened BS degrees, and double degree alternatives including a BA/MA in Creative Writing. GPS is additionally home to the Education and Research Center for Managing Risk.

Manhattanville's 36-credit Master of Fine Arts in exploratory writing project is interested in alumni of certify universities and colleges who exhibit a solid potential in composing and discriminating considering. Understudies are admitted to the system essentially on the quality of the composition they submit as a feature of the application process.

source: manhattanville university wikipedia

Brooklyn University

Brooklyn College is a senior school of the City University of New York, situated in Brooklyn, New York, United States.

Built in 1930 by the New York City Board of Higher Education, the College had its beginnings as the Downtown Brooklyn branches of Hunter College (then a ladies' school) and the City College of New York (then a men's school). With the merger of these branches, Brooklyn College turned into the first open coeducational aesthetic sciences school in New York City. The 26-section of land (110,000 m2) grounds is known for its awesome excellence, and is frequently viewed as "the poor man's Harvard" in light of its low educational cost and notoriety for scholastic fabulousness (previous President, Robert Hess, reacted to the moniker by saying "I like to consider Harvard the rich man's Brooklyn College").

The school was positioned as the most wonderful grounds and in the main ten for worth, assorted qualities, and area by The Princeton Review in 2003 and in the main fifty for quality in 2009.

Undergraduate curriculum
Starting in 1981, the school initiated a gathering of classes that all students were obliged to take, called "Center Studies". The classes were: Classical Origins of Western Culture, Introduction to Art, Introduction to Music, People, Power, and Politics, The Shaping of the Modern World, Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning and Computer Programming, Landmarks of Literature, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geology, Studies in African, Asian, and Latin American Cultures, and Knowledge, Existence and Values.

In 2006, the Core Curriculum was patched up, and the 13 obliged courses were supplanted with 15 courses in 3 controls, from which understudies were obliged to take 11. In fall 2013, Brooklyn College left on CUNY's new general instruction elective, the Pathways educational program, comprising of three parts: Required Core (four courses), Flexible Core (six courses) and College Option (four courses)—totaling 42 credits. Brooklyn College offers over a hundred majors changing from the visual expressions to Women's Studies.

Division of Graduate Studies
The Division of Graduate Studies at Brooklyn College was made in 1935 and offers more than seventy projects in human expressions, training, humanities, sciences, and PC and sociologies.

Graduate projects are offered in Accounting, Africana Studies, Anthropology and Archeology, Art, Biology, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Economics, Education, English, Health and Nutrition Sciences, History, Judaic Studies, Mathematics, Modern Languages and Literatures, Music, Physical Education and Exercise Science, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Puerto Rican and Latino Studies, Sociology, Speech Communication Arts and Sciences, Television and Radio, and Theate.

source: brooklyn university wikipedia

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