Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)

The Bandung Institute of Technology or Institute of Technology, Bandung (Indonesian: Institut Teknologi Bandung, abridged as ITB) is a state, coeducational examination college found in Bandung, Indonesia. Secured in 1920, ITB is the most established innovation arranged college in Indonesia.

ITB was viewed as the top decision among Indonesia's secondary school understudies in 2006 and has been credited as a standout amongst the most "prestigious" colleges in Indonesia, together with University of Indonesia, and Gadjah Mada University.

Sukarno, the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, earned his building degree in structural designing from ITB. B. J. Habibie, the third president of Indonesia likewise moved on from ITB.

The college develops proficient and social exercises by supporting its understudies' unions, the understudy government boards that exist in every office. Each understudies' union has its own notably planned coat that, among different conventions, serves as a feature of its part personality. There are likewise various understudy action units/clubs supporting ITB understudy engages in balancing their instructive experience. It is not exceptional that the understudies and graduated class are recognized by the clubs to which they have a place (or used to have a place) at ITB, notwithstanding their class year and major.

The college is a part of LAOTSE, a worldwide system of driving colleges in Europe and Asia trading understudies and senior researchers.

Until 2012, ITB had four study programs globally licensed from an autonomous U.S. certifying foundation, ABET, where ITB is the main state funded college in Indonesia, with this specific global authorizing establishment. The four study projects are Ocean Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Engineering Physics.

ITB's walk "Defaces ITB" and song "Hymne ITB" were orchestrated by a previous educator, Prof. Dr. Sudjoko Danoesoebrata.


Admission and Selectivity
Admission to ITB is directed solely through (across the nation) passageway examination. Truly ITB has been the most specific University in the nation. In 2000, the last Asiaweek study accessible, ITB positioned first in Asia in understudy selectivity. In the 2007 and 2008 national doorway examination, ITB has the most astounding normal score and in addition the most noteworthy passing review in the nation.The total confirmation rate in 2008 was around 4%, which was lower than the affirmation rate of Harvard in that year (9%)

Quality and Reputation
A few national, territorial, and worldwide reviews have been directed to survey the nature of colleges. ITB is among the first decisions of school candidates to enter higher education. In a 1991 overview, the main 200 secondary school understudies in the national door examination showed ITB as their first choice.

As indicated by 4icu, a scholastic positioning system focused around the notoriety level of scholarly establishments in the World Wide Web, with aggregate specimens of more than 9200 organizations in 2010 by, ITB was positioned 30th on the planet, far above other Indonesian colleges like the Gadjah Mada University (686th) and the University of Indonesia (685), surpassing the main college in Asia, for example, Tokyo University (91) - MIT is at the primary spot of 4icu survey. THE-QS, a UK-based University positioning study, positioned ITB 80th in the field of Engineering and IT on the planet, the main college in Indonesia inside the main 100 in its field. The primary rank in the field was MIT.

ITB is considered to have the most elevated selectivity in the field of science and designing in the SNMPTN (across the nation state college passageway test) in 2009 from 422,159 examinees going after its restricted 2,000 seats. The passing evaluations needed to enter its most loved workforces i.e., the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, the Faculty of Industrial Technology, and the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering are the most elevated among all employees and majors in the SNMPTN (across the country state college passage test) even contrasted with therapeutic personnel in different prestigious colleges. Its business school, School of Business and Management is considered as the most prestigious[citation needed], and most costly additionally, business school in Indonesia and viewed as the best business school in Indonesia by eduniversal positioning and SWA Magazine, the most well known business magazine in Indonesia.

According to ITB rector, ITB will build an eight-story mining research center for both national and international research such as research on oil reservoirs, production optimization, geological exploitation and coal exploitation development worth Rp110 billion ($12.1 million).

Departments and Programs

School of Pharmacy
  • Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
  • Clinical and Community Pharmacy
College of Earth Science and Technology
  • Geological Engineering
  • Meteorology
  • Oceanography
  • Geodetic and Geomatic Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Informatics
  • Electric Power Engineering
  • Telecommunication Engineering
  • Information System and Technology
College of Art and Design
  • Fine Art
  • Craft
  • Visual Communication Design
  • Interior Design
  • Product Design
College of Mining and Petroleum Engineering
  • Mining Engineering
  • Petroleum Engineering
  • Geophysical Engineering
  • Metallurgical Engineering
School of Business and Management
  • Management
College of Mathematics and Natural Science
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Astronomy
School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development
  • Architecture
  • Urban and Regional Planning
School of Life Science and Technology
  • Biology
  • Microbiology
  • Bio Engineering
College of Industrial Technology
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Engineering Physics
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Engineering Management
College of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Ocean Engineering
College of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Material Engineering
  • Graduate School
source: ITB university


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