United States Military Academy (USMA)

The United States Military Academy at West Point, The Point, is a four-year coeducational government administration institute situated in West Point, New York. The foundation, situated in Orange County, sits on grand high ground disregarding the Hudson River, 50 miles (80 km) north of New York City. The whole focal grounds is a national point of interest and home to scores of notable locales, structures, and landmarks. Most of the grounds' Norman structures are developed from dim and dark rock. The grounds is a famous visitor destination complete with a substantial guest focus and the most seasoned historical center in the United States Army.

Athletic Facilities
West Point is home to notable athletic offices like Michie Stadium and Gillis Field House and current offices, for example, the Lichtenburg Tennis Center, Anderson Rugby Complex, and the Lou Gross Gymnastics Facility. Michie Stadium as of late experienced a huge overhaul in offices for the football group, and the foundation introduced another manufactured turf field in the mid year of 2008.

West Point Museum
The guest's middle is simply outside the Thayer Gate in the town of Highland Falls and offers the chance to orchestrate a guided visit. These visits, which are the main way the overall population can get to the foundation grounds, leave the guest's inside a few times each day. The West Point Museum is specifically adjoining the guest's inside, in the remodeled Olmsted Hall on the grounds of the previous Ladycliff College. Initially opened to the general population in 1854, the West Point Museum is the most seasoned military historical center in the country.

During the late spring months, the exhibition hall works access to the Fort Putnam noteworthy site on fundamental post and access to the 282 section of land Constitution Island. One of the most prominent things in plain view at the gallery are George Washington's guns, Napoleon's sword, a knife conveyed by Hermann Goering when he was caught, a pistol that fit in with Goering and a silver-plated gathering book, marked by Charles Lindbergh, Herbert Hoover and Mussolini and so on. Seemingly, the most prized ancient rarity in plain view is a gold-plated gun that fit in with Adolf Hitler.

source: USMA wikipedia


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