Manhattan University

Manhattan College is a private, free, Roman Catholic, human sciences school situated in the Bronx, New York City, United States. After initially being set up in 1853 by the Brothers of the Christian Schools, Manhattan College was authoritatively consolidated as an organization of advanced education through a contract conceded by the New York State Board of Regents. In 1922, the College moved from Manhattan to the Riverdale area of the Bronx, around 10 miles (16 km) north of Midtown. Manhattan College offers undergrad programs in human expressions, business, instruction, wellbeing, designing, and science. In the 2014-2015 College Return on Investment overview, Manhattan put 15th broadly 

Manhattan College offers degrees in five undergrad schools: Arts, Business, Education and Health, Engineering and Science. The School for Arts is the biggest school generally at the school, yet the School of Engineering is the school's most no doubt understood project. Manhattan presently has more than 60 projects.

Understudies are obliged to take school wide broad training necessities, (for example, math, school composing, and religion) and additionally center prerequisites in their individual school. For instance, the School of Arts keeps up a central subject called The Roots of Modern Learning which incorporates courses, for example, "Established Origins of Western Culture."

Classes work on a semester plan. The primary semester starts in late August and hurries to December. The second semester starts in mid-January and races to mid-May. Winter intersession and summer courses are additionally offered, however not needed.

The school offers various Pre-Professional Programs, for example, Pre-Dental, Pre-Law, Pre-Medical, Pre-Physical Therapy, and Pre-veterinary; and graduate projects in instruction, designing and business. The doctoral level college of Engineering permits understudies examining building as an undergrad the chance to proceed to get their Master's degree without needing to switch schools, just like the case at universities with a 3 + 2 Engineering system. The B.S. Business/ Masters of Business Administration Program offers understudies an alternative to finish a five-year numerous honor program. The effective culmination of the five-year system prompts two grants: a B.S. in Business (in one of six majors) and a MBA.

Manhattan College contains sections of different honor social orders as Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi and Tau Beta Pi. A recently settled part of Lambda Pi Eta correspondence privileged has likewise been included. Manhattan partakes in the Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges and in the New York Cluster of seven schools and colleges bolstered by the Pew Charitable Trusts for undergrad science training.

source: Manhattan university


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