The King's University (TKC)

The King's College is an authorize, Christian human sciences school headquartered in the Financial District of Manhattan, New York City. The College was established in 1938 in Belmar, New Jersey by Percy Crawford.

The King's College draws more than 500 understudies from 37 states and 15 nations. In 2012, the Young America's Foundation positioned The King's College 8th in its Top 15 Conservative Colleges list. Admissions at The King's College is moving, and it acknowledges more than 70% of candidates.

The college is authorized by the Board of Regents to grant Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business Administration degrees in a total of four programs. and has received regional accreditation from the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools' Commission on Higher Education. The college currently maintains degrees in "Business Management," "Finance", "Politics, Philosophy, and Economics" ("PPE"), and a major in "Media, Culture and the Arts" ("MCA"), which was officially launched in August 2009. Students are able to pursue 11 different minors in Business Administration, Economics, Foundations of Education, Culture and the Arts, Journalism, Literature, Media Studies, philosophy, Politics, Pre-law, and Theology.

The King's College has been accredited by the New York Board of Regents for over 40 years. The King's College pursued regional accreditation with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and after completing a self-study and being reviewed by the Commission on Higher Education in 2009, The King's College was granted regional accreditation as of November 19, 2009. King's is now accredited and no longer needs to pursue accreditation with the New York Board of Regents. The King's College will complete its next self-study with Middle States for accreditation renewal between 2014 and 2015.

source: the king's university wikipedia


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