Swarthmore University

Swarthmore College is a private human sciences college placed in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, 11 miles (17.7 km) southwest of Philadelphia.

Established in 1864, Swarthmore was one of the soonest coeducational schools in the United States. The school was sorted out by an advisory group of Quakers from three "Hicksite" yearly gatherings: Baltimore, New York, and Philadelphia. A number of the organizers were noticeable in the abolitionist and ladies' rights developments and other social concerns and included Edward Parrish, (1822-1872), Deborah and Joseph Wharton, Benjamin Hallowell, and James and Lucretia Mott, (1793-1880). Swarthmore was secured to be a school, "...under the consideration of Friends, at which an instruction may be gotten equivalent to that of the best establishments of adapting in our country."By 1906 Swarthmore dropped its religious alliance, getting to be authoritatively non-partisan.

Swarthmore is an individual from the "Tri-College Consortium", an agreeable game plan among Swarthmore, Bryn Mawr, and Haverford Colleges. The consortium imparts a coordinated library arrangement of more than three million volumes, and understudies have the capacity to cross-enlist in courses at all three institutions. A typical Quaker legacy exists amongst the consortium schools and the University of Pennsylvania additionally develops this cross-enlistment consent to classes at the University of Pennsylvania's College of Arts and Sciences. Swarthmore's grounds and the Scott Arboretum have the same borders.

A few sources, including Greene's Guides, have termed Swarthmore one of the "Little Ivies".

In its 2014 positioning of undergrad projects, Forbes magazine positioned Swarthmore as third in the nation. In the March/April 2007 version of Foreign Policy magazine, a positioning of the main twenty establishments for the investigation of universal relations put Swarthmore as the most astounding positioned undergrad just organization, coming in at 15. The main other undergrad centered projects to make the rundown were Dartmouth and Williams, albeit neither one of the schools is solely undergraduate.

Swarthmore positions tenth in The Wall Street Journal's 2004 review of feeder schools to world class business, medicinal, and law schools.

Swarthmore positioned fourth among all foundations of advanced education in the United States as measured by the rate of graduates who went ahead to win Ph.D.s between 2002-2011. Just Caltech, at number one, Harvey Mudd, in second, and Reed, in third, outranked Swarthmore, with Carleton, MIT, Grinnell, University of Chicago, Princeton, and Harvard adjusting the main ten, respectively.

In 2012, The Princeton Review gave Swarthmore a 99 on their Admissions Selectivity Rating. In the November 2003 selectivity positioning for undergrad programs, The Atlantic magazine positioned Swarthmore as the main human sciences school to make the main ten organizations, setting Swarthmore in tenth place.

In 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2013, Swarthmore was named the #1 "Best Value" private school by The Princeton Review. Overall determination criteria included more than 30 elements in three zones: scholastics, expenses and monetary support. Swarthmore was additionally set on The Princeton Review's Financial Aid Honor Roll, alongside twelve different establishments, including Caltech, Harvard, and Williams, for accepting the most noteworthy conceivable rating in its positioning methodology.

source: swarthmore university


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