Al-Azhar University (Jāmiʻat al-Azhar/ˈɡæmʕet elˈʔɑzhɑɾ eʃʃæˈɾiːf)

Al-Azhar University (ahz-har Arabic: جامعة الأزهر (الشريف)‎ is a college in Cairo, Egypt. Connected with Al-Azhar Mosque in Islamic Cairo, it is Egypt's most established degree-giving college and is prestigious as "Sunni Islam's most prestigious university" notwithstanding advanced education, Al-Azhar manages a national system of schools with give or take two million students. As of 1996, more than 4000 showing organizations in Egypt were subsidiary with the University.

Established in 970 or 972 by the Fatimids as an inside of Islamic taking in, its understudies contemplated the Qur'an and Islamic law in point of interest, alongside rationale, linguistic use, talk, and how to compute the lunar periods of the moon. It was one of the first colleges on the planet and the stand out to make due as a cutting edge college incorporating common subjects in the educational module. It is today the boss focal point of Arabic writing and Islamic adapting in the world. In 1961 extra non-religious subjects were added to its curriculum.

Its mission is to spread Islam and Islamic society. To this end, its Islamic researchers (ulamas) render orders (fatwas) on debate submitted to them from everywhere throughout the Sunni Islamic world in regards to legitimate behavior for Muslim people and social orders. Al-Azhar additionally prepares Egyptian government-selected ministers in conversion (da'wa).

Its library is viewed as second in significance in Egypt just to the Egyptian National Library and Archives.[citation needed] In May 2005, Al-Azhar in association with a Dubai data innovation undertaking, IT Education Project (ITEP) propelled the H.H. Sheik Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Project to Preserve Al Azhar Scripts and Publish Them Online (the "Al-Azhar Online Project") with the mission of inevitably giving online access to the library's whole uncommon original copies accumulation (comprising about seven million pages).

source: al-azhar university wikipedia


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