University of West Alabama (UWA)

The University of West Alabama (condensed as UWA) is a state funded college placed in Livingston, Alabama, United States.

Established in 1835, the school started as a congregation upheld school for young ladies called Livingston Female Academy. The first Board of Trustees of Livingston Female Academy was chosen in 1836, and four of the seven board individuals were Presbyterians.

The college serves understudies in a few scholastic universities and divisions on a 600-section of land (2.4 km2) grounds in west-focal Alabama. UWA offers a wide game plan of degree projects including partner, bachelor's, master's, and instructive authority degrees. The college hosts shows, addresses, fall and spring dramatic creations, fall and spring beginning activities, and intercollegiate athletic occasions.

Its games groups – known as the UWA Tigers — are individuals from the Gulf South Conference and contend in the NCAA's Division II in all games with the exception of two. The men's and ladies' rodeo groups contend in the Ozark Region of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association

The University of West Alabama grounds incorporates numerous buildings. Some are utilized for scholarly purposes, while others serve diverse needs. These offices incorporate the accompanying:
  • Bibb Graves Hall houses the Julia Tutwiler College of Education, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, School of Graduate Studies, and Division of Online Programs. Notwithstanding the University's primary assembly room, classrooms, labs, and staff workplaces are found inside.
  • Brock Hall contains the Ira D. Pruitt Division of Nursing and also the Housing Office and Upward Bound Program.
  • Lucille Foust Hall is comprised of workplaces and classrooms for the craftsmanship division and band corridor. Workplaces for the Athletic Department and Student Success Center additionally dwell in this building.
  • Pruitt Hall is the area of the Physical Education and Athletic Training Department. There are various classrooms, practice and changing areas, and studios. The building is likewise the essential area for the grounds music project.
  • The Guy Hunt Technical Education Complex and Hunt Annex is utilized for the Division of Technology. Both contain instructional spaces and shop offices and also classrooms and research facilities. The Early Intervention Center can be found at this building.
  • The Julia Tutwiler Library holds the University's books and periodicals notwithstanding numerous different assets. Gathering rooms and a PC research facility exist on the first carpet. The second floor contains a huge gathering of books and in addition lounge regions and study ranges for understudies.
  • Lurleen Burns Wallace Hall gives guideline to various branches of knowledge on grounds. These reach from English and remote dialects, history, and sociologies to discourse and theater. The College of Business and College of Liberal Arts call this building their home.
Other buildings located on campus are listed below:

  • The Bell Conference Center can be found amidst grounds and is host to meetings, luncheons, and exceptional occasions.
  • Kelly Hester Land Hall contains the Division of Educational Research and Department of Continuing Education. The Center for the Study of the Black Belt is found inside this building also.
  • Moon Hall holds a stockroom zone for the Physical Plant Department.
  • The President's Home is a home for the University President and his crew.
  • The George C. Wallace Student Union Building (known as the SUB) gives various understudy exercises and amusement. An understudy weight room is spotted ground floor alongside the grounds pool and racketball courts. There is a parlor zone, PC lab, meeting room, and movement region upstairs. Likewise placed in the building are the University Bookstore and Campus Post Office.
  • Webb Hall is the essential home of the focal managerial workplaces on grounds.
  • Youthful Hall (lovingly alluded to as the CAF) houses the grounds eating office and kitchens. A private lounge area is utilized for grounds supported extraordinary occasions.
  • Alfa Environmental Hall contains the Alabama Onsite Wastewater Training Center.
  • The Armory, a resigned piece of a nearby armed force base, contains the University's Campus Police and UWA Campus School. The school offers classrooms and a play range for three and four-year olds. As of late, a kindergarten project was included for school-age youngsters.
source: UWA wikipedia


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