University of Burundi (UB)

The University of Burundi is found in Bujumbura, Burundi. It is the main state funded college in Burundi. A large portion of its offices are weakening and fundamentally harmed because of common war. In its earliest stages, it was possessed and worked by the Roman Catholic Church. Its enlistment is more or less 13,000.

Student enrollment
The enlistment development in advanced education in Burundi was somewhat higher than in sub-Saharan Africa. The operation of the college has been altogether irritated following 1993 by a socio-political emergency, specifically, through understudy and staff strikes, postpones in scholarly projects, conclusion of grounds, issues acquiring books and gear, and a huge mind channel of the scholastic staff. Since its commencement, the University of Burundi (UB) has chosen to concentrate on preparing the classifications of staff needed by the common administration.

Arts and Humanities
Psychology and Educational Sciences
Economical and Administrative Sciences
Pure Sciences
Applied Sciences
Agricultural Sciences

Technology - Institut Technique Supérieur
Sports and Physical Education - Institut d' Education Physique et de Sport
Agriculture - Institut Supérieur d'Agriculture
Commerce - Institut Supérieur de Commerce
Applied Pedagogy - Institut de Pédagogie Appliquée

source: UB university


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