École Normale Supérieure (ekɔl nɔʁmal sypeʁjœʁ)

The École normale supérieure also known Normale sup', ENS Ulm, ENS Paris and frequently generally as ENS) is a French grande école (advanced education foundation outside the structure of the state funded college framework). The ENS was at first considered amid the French Revolution. It was planned to furnish the Republic with another assemblage of educators, prepared in the basic soul and common estimations of the Enlightenment. It has since formed into a tip top organization which has turned into a stage for a large portion of France's brightest youngsters to seek after abnormal state vocations in government and the educated community, and thusly remains as one of the images of Republican meritocracy, alongside École nationale d'administration and Ecole Polytechnique ("X"), offering its graduated class access to high positions inside the state. Established in 1793 and revamped by Napoleon, ENS has two fundamental areas (scholarly and exploratory) and a profoundly focused choice methodology comprising of composed and oral examinations. Its understudies exceed expectations in the fields of society, scholastic research in the sciences and humanities.During their studies, ENS understudies hold the status of paid common servants.

The essential objective of ENS is the preparation of tip top teachers, scientists and open managers. Its graduated class have furnished France with scores of logicians, journalists, researchers, statesmen, authorities and ambassadors, writers, attorneys, chiefs, administrators and even officers in the armed force and churchmen. Among them are 13 Nobel Prize laureates incorporating 8 in Physics, 10 Fields Medalists, more than a large portion of the beneficiaries of the CNRS's Gold Medal (France's most noteworthy experimental prize), a few hundred individuals from the Institut de France, a few Prime Ministers, and numerous ministers.The school has attained to specific distinguishment in the fields of arithmetic and material science as France's first exploratory preparing ground, and also incredible striking quality in the human sciences as the profound origin of creators, for example, Julien Gracq, Jean Giraudoux, and Charles Péguy, thinkers, for example, Henri Bergson, Jean-Paul Sartre, Louis Althusser, Simone Weil, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Paul Nizan, and Alain Badiou, social researchers, for example, Emile Durkheim, Raymond Aron, and Pierre Bourdieu, and "French scholars, for example, Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida.

The ENS has a structure which is atypical inside the French college framework. Generalistic in its enrollment and association, it is the main grande école in France to have divisions of examination in all the common, social, and human sciences. Its status as the one of the premier focuses of French exploration has prompted its model being reproduced somewhere else, in France (at the ENSes of Lyon, Cachan, and Rennes), in Italy (at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa) and in previous French settlements, for example, Morocco, Mali, Mauritania and Cameroon.

source: ENS wikipedia


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