Oregon State University (OSU)

Oregon State University (OSU) is a coeducational, open exploration college in Corvallis, Oregon, United States. The college offers more than 200 undergrad, graduate, and doctoral degree programs and has the biggest aggregate enlistment in Oregon. More than 160,000 individuals have gone to OSU subsequent to its establishing. The Carnegie Foundation groups the Oregon State University as an exploration college with high research movement. Likewise, it is assigned via Carnigie Foundation with 'Group Engagement' arrangement.

OSU is one of 73 area award colleges in the United States. The school is additionally an ocean gift, space-concede, and sun-stipend establishment, making it one of just two US organizations to get every one of the four assignments and the main state funded college to do as such (Cornell is the main other with comparable assignments). OSU got very nearly $285 million in exploration allows and contracts for the 2014 monetary year, which is more research financing than all other state funded colleges in Oregon joined.

Oregon State offers more than 35 degree and testament programs made up from a determination of more than 900 online courses in 80 branches of knowledge. OSU's online four year certification projects were positioned fifth in the United States by US News & World Report in 2015. These projects and courses are created by OSU employees and conveyed online by Oregon State University Ecampus. Understudies who seek after an instruction online with OSU procure the same recognition and transcript as the college's on-grounds understudies

source: OSU wikipedia


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